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The Business

Du Plessis Van Loggenberg operates a general practice specialising in Property Law, Personal Law, Commercial law and Litigation.
In accordance with the Codes of Good Practice issued in terms of Section (9)1 of the Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 2003, we received a recommended overall BEE-status Level 2 (two) with a score between 85 and 100 and the overall recommended B-BBEE Procurement Recognition level is 125%.
DirectorStella was a paralegal from 1969. She studied law through Unisa and in 1999 was admitted as Attorney, Notary and Conveyancer. In that year she established the firm Stella Van Loggenberg Attorney, where she practiced as a sole proprietor. In 2002 she joined Hammond Pole Attorneys, first as an Associate and in 2005 became a director and shareholder. In 2010 she formed a partnership with Jan du Plessis under the name DU PLESSIS VAN LOGGENBERG. In 2014 she became the sole owner of the firm.
ConveyancerSince completing her Articles with the firm, Tiffany has been admitted as a Attorney, Notary and Conveyancer. She is currently practicing as a Professional Assistant at the firm.
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